Amazon SOS: NERC ‘Large Grant’ Award for Scientists at the University of Edinburgh

A consortium of Brazilian and UK researchers, including the University of Edinburgh’s Professor Patrick Meir, Chair in Ecosystem System, School of Geosciences, have secured a £3.7 million UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) research grant to investigate the combined risk of climate change and deforestation to the integrity of Amazonian forests.

Understanding these threats is vital because deforestation and climate change could lead to irreversible changes to Amazonian forests with severe consequences for biodiversity, carbon storage and local-to-global ecosystem services.    

The threats to Amazonian ecosystems are multi-faceted and potentially disastrous. The forests in the Amazon region may have several ‘tipping points’, where the combined effects of accumulated deforestation, climate warming beyond 2°C and alterations to the timing and amount of rainfall could lead to runaway changes where degraded ecosystems replace tropical forests in some areas. There have been very recent reductions in the deforestation rate. However, the prevailing economic approach has often favoured agricultural commodities such as soybeans, meat and timber over standing forests, even though studies suggest that halving tropical forest deforestation rates could contribute up to US $3.7 trillion to the global economy.   

To advance our understanding of the Amazon region’s potential tipping points, the international team will explore whether Amazonian forests risk losing their integrity and long-term resilience and, if so, what regions are most at risk. The aim is to study both intact and disturbed forests, leveraging a powerful combination of new on-the-ground measurements, advanced climate, vegetation and land use modelling, and multiple satellite data streams. The work will build an advanced understanding of how Amazonian forests respond to and recover from deforestation and climate stress, and the team will actively engage with relevant policy creation, regionally and internationally.


I got involved in this research because it was an opportunity to substantially advance our understanding of the different risks to Amazonian forests, risks which have fundamental consequences for societies and economies, regionally and globally.

For Professor Meir, this project contributes to a life-long interest in the big questions around tropical forests: in particular, questions on forest growth and climate sensitivity, forest diversity, forest change and how these changes might affect the people who rely on them. Amazonia is so large that new scientific advances have the potential to provide essential insights into how these forests affect the Earth system.    

It takes multiple skill sets to address the consortium’s questions, and many long-term collaborations between researchers in Brazil and the UK were combined to create this new project. Crucially, the team’s connections include close links with policy-makers who can turn the science into action. This blend of novel high-impact science, underpinned by strong collaborative relationships and a joint history of world-class research, convinced the funders that this timely work needed support.    

In my work, I have tried to find a place where I am motivated by both the ideas and the subject matter and where I feel my expertise can help build useful influence.

The project, called ‘Amazon-SOS: a Safe Operating Space for Amazonian Forests’, is a UK NERC ‘Large Grant’ that will run from 2024-2027. It funds five UK institutions (led by Prof Stephen Sitch, Exeter University) and five Brazilian institutions (led by Prof Tomas Domingues, USP/Ribeirão Preto). It has partnered with many collaborators across Amazonia and South America, the UK, Europe, and the USA.   

by Elliot-Convery Fisher