Launch of ‘Restoration Partnership Development’ toolkit

A year-long research project by the University of Edinburgh and the University of Cambridge has created a toolkit to help UK restoration practitioners understand and discuss different stakeholder views and manage disagreements respectfully and productively

Janet Fisher, Annette Green and Chris Sandbrook have recently launched the 'Restoration Partnership Development' toolkit, to help restoration practitioners in the UK navigate diverse perspectives of stakeholders in landscape restoration, and to build partnerships and coalitions for restoration.

The toolkit aims to support restoration practitioners in understanding and convening discussions between different stakeholder perspectives, and to manage divergent perspectives respectfully and productively.

The toolkit includes two main components: 1) a highly adaptable survey to be developed according to the setting in order to gather information on stakeholder perspectives; and 2) guidance on a deliberative workshop format where stakeholders can discuss survey results and work out together where there is consensus and divergence, and the implications of that. 

All of the information about the Restoration Partnership Development Toolkit can be found here, and there is a 2.5 minute explainer video describing the tools and the situations in which they might be useful. A very detailed guidance document is linked from the webpage, giving full information and guidance.  

This work has been funded by the Landscapes Decisions Programme, and the Endangered Landscapes and Seascapes Programme. 


people doing fieldwork