A new opinion piece written by Naomi Housego-Day, Lorna Street and Willie McGhee, was published in November 2024. The review published in Scottish Forestry, and titled "What do we know about the impacts of forestry on soil carbon in Scotland?" briefly summarises our state of knowledge concerning soils, soil carbon and the impacts of some forestry practices on soil carbon. The authors touch on the policy context relating to soils in Scotland and how they are treated in regulation and good practice guides, and speculate on how our current understanding of soils and forestry practices could shape future policy. This treatise is relatively short for such a large topic, and the researchers specifically focus on organic soils in the uplands.You can read the full paper by clickling the link below. Document What do we know about the impacts of forestry on soil carbon in Scotland? (1.07 MB / PDF) Publication date 29 Nov, 2024