Edinburgh Environment and Development Network (EEDN)

EEDN was initiated in early 2018 in order to bring together academics and practitioners working on issues of environment and development from around Edinburgh.


The network aims to promote discussion around topics of interest, a sharing of knowledge and experience, a greater awareness of each other’s work, potential to collaborate on proposals and projects, and just a chance to get to know each other. We meet once a month (except in the summer; June-August) for discussions on topics introduced by members of the network, with facilitation aimed at sharing expertise and experiences amongst all those present.

Sessions take place on Thursdays 16:00-17:30 at ECCI, with refreshments provided.

We welcome all new members and all ideas for topics and formats for meetings, so please do get in touch if you’d like to join or share your ideas: Sam Staddon (sam.staddon@ed.ac.uk) and Clare Barnes (c.barnes@ed.ac.uk).

Our 2023/2024 Spring programme

Date and time Title Speaker(s) Location

25 January 16:00 - 18:00

Regenerative forestry, what is it and is Scotland ready for it? 

Addendum in response to Q&A: Look to Ireland for how to move gently towards different silvicultural systems: Landmark Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF) Scheme Announced - Pro Silva Ireland

Willie McGhee, The Forest Policy Group The Pod, ECCI 
15 February 16:00 - 18:00 Urbanisation and Environmentalism in Malawian State Building: Turning Tensions into Synergies? Matt Lane, University of Edinburgh The Pod, ECCI 
21 March 16:00 - 18:00  Christianity and conservation agriculture in Kenya Peter Rowe, University of Edinburgh The Pod, ECCI 
2 May 16:00 - 18:00  Just transformations: Grassroots Struggles for Alternative Futures  Iokiñe Rodríguez, University of East Anglia Training & Skills, ECCI 
20 June, 16:00 - 18:00 Adapting in Adversityand EEDN summer social with food provided by Edinburgh Food Social Sarah Knight and Simon Mercer, Mercy Corps G02, High School Yards Teaching Centre (behind ECCI)

Our 2023/24 Autumn programme

Date and time Title Speaker(s) Location

24 August 16:00 - 18:00

Why promoting a conservation ethos in Australia is a challenge

 Dr Rochelle Steven, School of Environmental and Conservation Sciences, Murdoch University Training & Skills, ECCI 
21 September 16:00 - 18:00 'Cattle in the Community Forest': Documentary Film Screening & Discussion James Robinson High School Yards Teaching Centre Room G.02 
12 October 16:00 - 18:00

Supporting community-led conservation in Scotland 


International conservation organisation Fauna & Flora, and the community initiatives Edinburgh Shoreline and Restoration Forth will discuss their experiences in supporting and delivering community led conservation in Scotland, including supporting the Coastal Communities Network Conference Room, ECCI 
30 November 16:00 - 18:00 Restoring Peace with Nature - to coincide with 'Lost Species Day' https://www.lostspeciesday.org  Julian Caldecott Conference Room, ECCI    

14 December 16:00 - 18:00

Nitrogen with a social sciences twist Dr Annie Yang, University of Edinburgh Training & Skills, ECCI   

Our past sessions

Our 2022/23 programme

Date and time Title Speaker(s) Location
15 June 16:00 - 18:00

Presentation of a short film showcasing Clare and Sam's recent work with colleagues in Nepal: Collective Reflective Learning for Social Justice in Nepal’s Community-Based Natural Resource Management

EEDN annual summer social 

Sam Staddon and Clare Barnes Training & Skills, ECCI 

25 May      16:00 - 17:30

"What is 'coexistence'? Considering the case of Nepal's tigers and people"

Bivishika Bhandari, WWF Nepal

The Pod, ECCI 
30 March  16:00 - 17:30

"Land for What? Land for Whom? Senses of Place and Conflict in the Scottish Highlands"

Bonnie Vandesteeg High School Yards Teaching Centre Room G.02 

12 January  16:00 - 17:30

"The health effects of air pollution: democratizing models and measurements to inform global policy decisions" Dr Sumil Thakrar, Department of Applied Economics, University of Minnesota Training & Skills, ECCI 
1 December  16:00 - 17:30

"A clash between project desires and investor desires: Examples from the voluntary carbon market". Discussing the market trade-offs when it comes to scaling up the conservation or restoration projects around the world. 

Luke Howard, Plan Vivo The Pod, ECCI
27 October "What can Conservation and Agriculture take from Political Ecology?" We aligned with the POLLEN online workshop 'Political Ecology, Conservation & Agrarian Change'; watching some of the presentations and following with a panel discussion


Dr Shubbhi Sharma, feminist political ecologist, School of Social and Political Sciences 

Dr Silvia Perez-Espona, conservation geneticist and Coordinator of Edinburgh Conservation Science)

Dr Alfy Gathorne-Hardy, agricultural scientist, Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Systems

Conference Room, ECCI

12 October      

16:00 - 17:30                        

"Gendered Surplus People, Food Security, and Maladaptation to Climate Change in Northern Ghana",  a co-sponsored event between the Centre for African Studies, EEDN, and POLLEN (the Political Ecology Reading Group)            Hanson Nyantakyi-Frimpong 7 George Square, Room S.1

29 September

16:00 - 18:00   

PhD Sharing (...of passion, tips, connections, ideas, solidarity from across the network)    

Anyone wanting to share their PhD-related experiences Training & Skills, ECCI 

Our 2021/22 programme

Date and time                                                        

Title Speaker(s)                                                                       


23 June

EEDN Summer Social catered for by Edinburgh Food Social, with delivery by Farr Out.


7 April

  You can click on the pdf link above for slides of the talk, or watch it here.

Dr Julian Caldecott

Conference Room, ECCI  

 17 March                                        

Jack Covey, PhD candidate at University of Edinburgh

Conference Room, ECCI  

27 January


Gaia Marini and Nick Hepworth from Water Witness Conference Room, ECCI
18 November Yvan Biot Conference Room, ECCI

Spring 2020

 Date and time Title Speaker(s) Location

23 January, 16:00 - 17:30


Prof Andrea Nightingale,

University of Oslo, Norway


27 February, 16:00 - 17:30

(cancelled due to the pandemic)

UK housing policy learning from former colonies in the global South 

Matt Lane, University of Edinburgh ECCI

26 March, 16:00 - 17:30

(cancelled due to the pandemic)

Indigenous map making in the Ecuadorian Amazon


Aliya Ryan, Digital Democracy ECCI
Autumn 2019


Title                                                                                                                                                                                  Speaker(s)
17 October                                   

Caroline Lehmann, University of Edinburgh

14 November

Kate Crowley,  University of Edinburgh

12 December Nicholas Warren,  A Rocha
Spring 2019
17 January                   Coastal livelihood interventions                                                                                                          Mike Riddell, The Landscapes and Livelihoods Group
28  February                             Learning lessons from projects, places & people   Clare Barnes, Gary Watmough, Sam Staddon, University of Edinburgh  
14 March Technologies in natural resource governance Margherita Scazza, University of Edinburgh
4 April  Ecosystems and urban vulnerability: why is research evidence ignored in Asia and beyond?                                                     Jim Jarvie, Thismiafocus
Autumn 2018
25 October                        Livelihoods and Rights-based approaches to natural resource management                                               Peter O’Hara, Participatory Natural Resource Management
22 November Involving business in conservation and development Tillem Burlace, LTS International
13 December Indigenous communities Peter Branney, a private consultant


Some thoughts from our members

I really liked the dynamic of the EEDN session, nice interaction between practitioners and researchers I thought. Great initiative…nice to catch up with old colleagues and meet new people.

It was a fantastic session, and really great to see you and lots of familiar faces, and of course the students who really bring a lot to it. The presentation and research was really topical and thought-provoking, particularly as I came to the session from designing a similar project ...and so really nice to have a space to step back and think about these approaches.

A quick note to thank you and your team for the event yesterday. A stimulating talk and great to meet people with similar interests. I’m certainly interested in continuing attendance.