Edinburgh Forests and Landscapes Network (EFLN)

EFLN aims to bring together academics, researchers and postgraduate student with policy, business and third sector professionals with an interest in sustainable forests and landscapes based in and around Edinburgh.

We hope to develop an informal meeting place, providing opportunities for sharing insights, experiences and perspectives that will benefit a diverse audience.

Most sessions will take place on first Wednesday of the month 4-6pm in the Edinburgh Climate Change Institute (ECCI), starting with a 45-60min of plenary session followed by informal networking with refreshments. Please note that there will be no sessions in January, July and August.

If you have any suggestions, would like to contribute to future Edinburgh Forests and Landscapes Networking events, or sign up to our mailing list, please email natasa.honeybone@ed.ac.uk.

Upcoming sessions

Date and time Title Speaker(s) Location
5 June, 4 - 6pm     'Forest Science in support of policy & practice' by Forest Research

Talks by 

Dr Darren Moseley, Head of Land Use & Ecosystem Services Group

Dr Mariella Marzano, Principal Social Scientist 

Dr Mike Perks, Principal Climate Scientist  

chaired by Professor Chris Quine, Chief Scientist


Training & Skills, ECCI 
3 July, 4-7pm "Why not Scotland?" film screening followed by a panel discussion in collaboration with Woodland Trust Scotland Woodland Trust Scotland Training & Skills, ECCI 
4 Sept, 4 - 6pm MSc Dissertation Presentations   TBC
2 Oct, 4 - 6pm TBC Prof Mat Williams TBC
6 Nov, 4 - 6pm How, where and for who can natural colonisation help to scale-up woodland creation?

Dr Susannah Fleiss, School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh 

Dr Elisa Fuentes-Montemayor, University of Stirling



Past sessions

Date  Title Speaker(s)
1 May

Can land use decision-making tools be effective? 

NatureScot's Natural Capital tool 

Naturetech tools:"Glencripesdale’s decision-grade biodiversity data” 

Land manager views and use of tools 

Dr Leo Peskett, Assistant Professor, Heriot-Watt University

Donya Davidson, Natural Capital Manager, NatureScot

Dr Hannah Rudman, Co-lead, Scottish Nature Finance Pioneers

Lucy Jenner, Head of Natural Capital in Scotland, Savills, and PhD candidate, UoE

3 April A new generation of plantations: Developing an ‘ecosystem of collaboration’ to make a positive impact for people and nature Andrew Heald, iNovaland
6 March The Economic and Social Benefits of Community Managed Native Woodlands Willie McGhee,  Community Woodlands Association

7 Feb


MSc Dissertation Mixer

An event bringing together MSc students, practitioners and academics to discuss potential MSc project collaborations

6 Dec        

Conversation starters in conservation: Navigating diverse perspectives using social science methods

Dr Janet Fisher's talk

Helena Slater and Dr Annette Green's talk

Dr Janet Fisher, Helena Slater, and Dr Annette Green, School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh
1 Nov The importance of developing the legal definition of environmental integrity of carbon offsets Professor Petra Minnerop, Director of the Durham Centre for Sustainable Development Law and Policy, with panel discussion with Prof Casey Ryan, School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, and Dr Matthew Brander, Business School, University of Edinburgh

2 October

Introducing the University’s Forest and Peatland Programme

Soil Carbon, Climate and Land Use

Naomi Housego's presentation

Dr Lorna Street's presentation

Dave Gorman, Yvonne Edwards, University of Edinburgh

Dr Lorna Street, School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh

Naomi Housego, School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh